Pisces Horoscope

This month we: Dream, Dream, Dream

“Live by design, not default.” I am not sure where this quote originates from. It was passed down to me from an ex-lover who did not exactly embody this way of living. But whatever the message came through. The depth of this quote truly resonated with me and my own astrology. Readings with my astrologer over the years were moments of me designing my life. The chart inspired me to follow my intuition and live the life I wanted.

As some of you know I am writing a book. (That is my dream) so there has been a lot of time reflecting on the past. I realized that I fought to make my dreams a reality since I was a teenager. I am proud of that. I dreamed about being on the Dead tour so one day after a fight with my mom I took matters into my own hands and did just that. That moment despite all of its darkness was one baby step in the direction of me living life by my own design. It was the beginning of the free-falling

I would take big scary leaps throughout most of my life. Moving to NYC was the next one. The pre-leaps would present themselves and. it was made clear that I needed to follow that course. With $1000 in my pocket and an internship at a modeling agency, I moved to NYC. Once my mind was made up there was no turning back. Surrendering to the forward motion would be something that I would not understand until many leaps later. This idea of leveling up but not being prepared for the next level. That is where I work today. Getting there is the easy part, settling in there is the challenge. 

There would be a few more tiny leaps before my big one to the tropics. Deep down I never wanted the vacation to end so I moved to vacation. This idea of a vacation life meant disconnecting from everything familiar and letting life unfold at a less stressful pace. There was so much more than just not wanting the vacation to end. It was this desire to change my life. Wanting it to look, feel and be totally different that what was comfortable. In the back of my head always lived a voice that lead me to my exploration of self. Call it resilience. Call it determination. Call it an obsession. Who cares call on it. This internal sweetheart voice took me out of the fantasy into this new reality of living beyond my wildest dreams. 

I don’t want to believe for one second that life can’t be designed the way we want it It’s just the evil voices in our heads, society's pressures, and judgments from people triggered that keep us confined. Pisces also represents karma and imprisonment. Things that keep us in a lockdown of our own joy, our visions, and our overall well-being.  

  • Where do you need to come out of prison baby? 

  • Where is the confinement?

  • What can it teach you?

Once you take those nasty bullies out of your head, you can listen to the quiet, calm, nice voices. Step outside of the box and go for whatever it is that you desire. I also want to be very clear that living your dream life does NOT have to mean making crazy drastic changes. I am an Aires with a Leo Rising and Scorpio moon so obviously, I had to be bold about it. But remember we are all different and how you want to design it at the end of the day is all that matters. FRIENDLY REMINDER: Living your dream is simply wanting your life to feel ever so slightly different. Spend time just reflecting on how you want it all to feel every day that you are in it. 

So now what… Do something dreamy for yourself. Do not settle for the table scraps the modern world is offering. There is no road map for this my loves. The journey of being happy, finding and maintaining joy, and raising your vibration is complex. At times it is both confusing and inspirational. Just like Pisces, it will give you a little bit of everything. We live in a culture of judgment and projection that is a Pisces prison for sure. Finding your authentic pace is a ruthless journey of self-reliance. Detaching from every snide remark, facial reaction, and opinion on how you “should” do it is exhausting. 

It takes courage to be a dreamer.  So sit down and close your eyes. Settle in let the dust settle and see the dream. Fantasize about every detail. See yourself in it. The life you want is right there just dream baby dream.


Flirt with Yourself.