They say people come into our lives for a reason. Books fall in our laps because we need them. Articles crossed our paths because they are opening a door to something else to explore. I hope this list helps you as much as it did me.

When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron

Wow, this book is so important. I will keep this book by my bedside for the duration of this lifetime! I will re-read as many times as it is needed. I have incorporated so much of her message into my life, my practice, and my work. It packs a heavy punch and when it came into my life I was so ready for it. Her philosophy on walking into pain and suffering has brought me to a place where I have found compassion for myself and the world around me. Could we make this a mandatory read for the world? Thank you, Pema! You are one of my heroes!

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

My other bible! His point of view on the ego. The description of the pain body. Understanding these 2 concepts has had a profound effect on my life. BIG Game Changers!!! Being able to identify where those nasty voices in my head were coming from and how to quiet them. This book made a significant impact on my day to day. What a fun discovery to learn I was addicted to pain and negativity. The goal to move far far away from that.

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Morning pages changed my life. I actually look forward to waking up in the morning so I can get to writing. This is a commitment to writing in the morning and taking time for yourself. It has been a nice addition to my morning routine. The pages have inspired my writing. Helped me put pen to paper what I want to manifest and visualize. I go back and reread. Every time I find a new gem. My attitude has shifted because I give myself that time in the morning to get what I need off my chest. A place to set a daily intention. Write my affirmations.

Power Vs Force by David Hawkins

This is a very dense, hard-to-read book. In the same breath, it is an extraordinary read on the collective vibration of the world. It was one of my required reads at Sacred Path Healing school. At first, I despised this book but then later started to really understand his POV on vibrational and consciousness levels. This book lead me to uncover, I could help the world by simply moving out of negative space.

Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith

Reference book of the century for me. Her breakdown of the human chakra system provides so much insight into what is going on with me. She deep dives into the wounding patterns associated with each of the chakras. All material that would become a central part of my personal healing and my healing practice. 

Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

If you want to write a book about yourself try this book of writing prompts. This was one of the suggested reads in my first ever writing class at Gotham City Writers, Writing is my passion. The act of articulating and using words to spread my message is so important in my life. Tapping into this after being so disconnected for many years brings me so much joy!

How to Meditate by Pema Chodron 

Finding a meditation practice is important! It took me what seemed like forever to retrain my body and reprogram ugly habits to begin to start a meditation practice. Pema shows us in this book about the technique. I like the direction! She also talks about the struggle which meditation presents as well! If you want to start a practice this is a wonderful place to start.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay 

Louise Hay is so important to me. Mirror work showed me how to see myself. Her affirmations taught me how to talk to myself in a gentle loving manner. Reading this book was like learning a new language. A language of love! Through her writings, I was able to start manifesting in the present tense. I decorate my apartment with post-it notes and some of her affirmations.

How To Be An Adult by David Richo

Do judge a book by its cover because that is all you need to know! This book is simple and easy to digest. Helpful tips on being a strong individual.

Be Here Now By Ram Dass

If I were to move into a book and live there forever it would be this one! The book is full of mantras (which are my favorite.) I connected with this book as I would connect with my coolest friend. The simplicity of the content sank right into my psyche.

Mind Over Medicine By Lissa Rankin

An easily digestible book to help understand the science of stress and recovery. The solutions in the book have been so helpful in my day to day.

The Inner Sky by Steven Forrest

The best place to start learning about the chart and all that comes with it. A breakdown of signs, planets, and houses. His newsletter is also a consistent resource for following the transits and learning all things astrology.


Dr. Ruey Ryburn

The next time you come to Hawaii make sure to find time to get a healing from Ruey. I am so lucky to call her my friend, mentor, and teacher! We had some very powerful sessions before I was in school. Through Ruey it was where I began to understand the bigger picture of what was going on with me. She showed me how to tune into myself to find the answers. You will not meet many healers like Ruey!

Sacred Path Healing School

I found my soul purpose, my higher self, and the real me at this school. The 3-year program changed me on a level I never believed possible. I worked through so much of my trauma, grief, and pain and came out a more whole version of myself. The amount of gratitude I have for this beautiful school can not even be expressed in words. The school nourished me back to life during one of the darkest times of my life.

Chiu Chiropractic Kinesiology

Oh, Greg! I was a disaster when I walked into his office. I was in Hawaii on vacation and it seemed like everything was falling apart. I was not wrong. Greg was one of the first people that I really listened to in regard to wanting to change. He got me off refined sugar and helped me realize how important it is to focus on healing. The adjustments kept my nervous system healthy and the homeopathic herbs continue to blow my mind every session.

Dr. Cimone Kamei
Cimone came into my life through my cousin Kayleen which means the recommendation came from Uncle Bumpy. A little gift of Aloha from my Hawaiian relatives.

Cimone helped me understand how important it is to slow down your central nervous system and find preventative long-term care vs treating an ailment. Working with Cimone helped me establish long-term healthy lifestyle goals. His office is very Japanese which is one place my heart will always lie. Acupuncture was an essential tool in continuing to remove energetic blockages one of the biggest causes of pain in the body.


Brene Brown’s Power of Vulnerability Ted Talk

I think this got sent to me in my first year of healing school or as I like to refer to is as rehab! Everything in this 20-minute talk resonated with me. It helped me for the first time realize that I was not by any means keeping it real at all. I was not being kind to myself and I had zero compassion for myself. Inspired me to start being me in whatever form that took! The good, the bad and everything in between.

Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations 

Oprah is so very special. She is someone who I have paid attention to my entire life. I admire so much about who she is and what she represents. She has overcome so much life stuff in the public eye and still continues down a path of self-discovery! I can’t wait to be on her podcast one day! #Dreambig. Below are some of my favorites:

She obviously interviews Pema Chodron.

A deep dive chapter discussion with Eckart Tolle on A New Earth.

Will listen to anything Brene Brown has to say you.

Lady Gaga’s healing through kindness episode is basically why I am doing what I am doing.

How to be Happy In Solitude with Ajahn Brahm:

This lecture gave me guidance on being comfortable being alone. He has a few interesting quotes that really rang true for me. The first one is “Be your own best friend!” How important if we could treat ourselves the way we treat our best friends! He also says “you do not have to be perfect to be delightful.” Thank you, Ajahn we all need to hear that all the time!