That New New

The theme of the month: That New New, oh and move!

Aquarius season marks the new lunar year and this energy around our new attitude toward how we want our life to feel. The end of the old cycles (Capricorn) and the awakening to something fresh (Aquarius). Currently celebrating a few consecutive months without any planets retrograding. The sky is asking us to move and release the old value system that no longer suits us. Capricorn taught us to go slow and build the system and Aquarius guides us to speed it up and experiment with what will work best for us.

But what are we even building?

I prefer to look at my life through the lens of my self-adoration manual. This is essentially my road map for being ME. It’s a gorgeous work-in-progress document that at times I can’t stop working on and other times I want nothing to do with. Life is just about figuring out ways to show up for ourselves.

Astrology showed up for me. Following my chart has given me the consistency I need in creating rituals, a direct line to the angels, and a variety of different themes to use in figuring out who in the world I was. Astrology readings seemed to be the only place for me to learn about who I was and eventually love who I was. That being said Aquarius would inspire us to experiment and test out our new internal love systems in the collective. And with NO planets — I repeat NO planets — retrograding again until April, that would clear the path for forward movement.

So humans: do some homework and write your own self-adoration manual.

Engage with yourself and your astrology chart to build this internal culture of love, acceptance, anti-self-bullying, cherishing, etc. Reflect on the confrontations that you experienced during the retrogrades. Think back to [a few months]... What had you feeling a type of way? Explore the hard stuff. Walk right into the parts of yourself that you are avoiding, stuffing, or trying to make disappear. Those, my loves, are where the answers are.

Let's be real there is tension in all of this. None of this is ever easy, in fact, it truly is a struggle. But maybe just maybe getting to the new new is worth it. A true miracle despite all of your self-abuse to spend time embracing this much love for yourself. I have found the coziest way for me to navigate all of this was through astrology.

Readings with Ramona help with:

  • Knowing what planets were retrograding provides thought-starters for self-discovery.

  • Seeing where Aquarius is right now and giving you helpful tips for experimenting with the new.

  • A space for accountability and action.

  • A date with yourself with the intention to reset.

  • A road dog for that deeper mind, body, and spiritual connection.

Astrology readings are a place to be saved by our own intuition. A time to trust ourselves again with this information about where we may be neglecting ourselves. The angels kind of just show up to put us back in our true power of self-reliance. So even if you think this is impossible, or that you donʻt got it, YOU DO.

Trust me I know it may seem cloudy and quitting is easier, but donʻt doubt yourself. Blow up all of the undesirable things that keep you away from healing. Beg the angels to guide you and they will. Let go of the grip. Can you? I know itʻs scary, but ever so subtly try to surrender to one thing.

Choose to be messy in the journey towards self-reliance. In honor of Aquarius, let anarchy ensue, and let the chaos guide you, my babies. Get safe. Get secure. And Get real with where you want to go. The angels are waiting for you whenever you are ready and I have your chart on hand if you need it.


Flirt with Yourself.


Reset With Ramona