4 Session Pack


Consistently diving into the astrology chart helps create a ritual, habitual, and spiritual lifestyle. The planets are always moving and by paying attention to the cosmic tides we are beginning to develop spiritual muscle memory needed for long-term self-adoration.

The goal is to arm you with a spiritual toolkit to integrate into your day-to-day life. Giving you basic ways to integrate this learning to create consistent ritual.

The 4 session pack includes a Natal Reading, Transit Reading, New Moon & Full Moon ceremony.

Sessions are $125 instead of $200 per session.

Reccommended For:
Those who are seeking their true purpose, anyone who may face a challenge and looking for ways to overcome it. People who are learning how to skillfully express themselves.

Anyone who has felt lost, sad, happy, just not themselves, depressed, anxious, suicidal, experienced any type of trauma in their life, issues with abuse, addiction, too many thoughts, out of their body, recently out of a relationship, grieving

Ideal for anyone that is looking to restore harmony and balance back to their lives, and that is active in their own healing process looking for a deeper commitment to self.

Includes homework, new moon intention setting, full moon releasing ritual, transit reports

4 sessions Includes recording of reading & digital copy of the chart.
